Best Part Time Jobs For College Students

College students are always on the look out for part time jobs that are not only close to campus, but also pay them well. The student job search is a process that never stops and students keep on trying to find out some of the best part time jobs available on college campuses. Are you a student and looking for a good employment options too? Read on to know what part time jobs can prove to be the best for you, in terms of closeness from campus, pay and hours too.

Computer Lab Attendant or Tech Support Jobs

One of the best campus jobs options available for students is the computer lab attendants or tech support jobs. College and universities look for students that are tech savvy and can perform IT field related work. Not only these part time jobs pay students well, but these jobs also provide with some fantastic real world experience for college students who aspire to make their career in the IT field.

College Gym Jobs

Gyms at colleges also offer good part time student job opportunities. These college gyms have a regular demand for people who can serve at the counter, give out the gym equipments and look after other related work at the college gym. If you can also take aerobics classes and provide personal training to those attend the gym, you can really have a best part time job and look forward to get a higher pay.

College Library Jobs

Most of the students overlook the job opportunities available at the college library. Students may think that part time library jobs are just about checking out and handing books. In fact library part time job responsibilities also include management of interlibrary loans, library search system data entry and other clerical tasks. However, student part time jobs at college libraries offer nice and comfortable environment.

House sitting/ Housecleaning/ Babysitting Jobs for Professors

The college campus has a number of professors who need these services for their kids and pets. While working for college professors, students do not only get well paid but they receive appreciation from professionals as well. This professional acquaintance can also result in profitable business and best job opportunities.

Dorm Desk Attendant Jobs

Though many students may not realize, the dorm desk attendant job is one of the best part-time jobs available on the college campus. This is one of those college student jobs where working hours will not be excessive. In fact things can have a pretty slower pace. Along with good pay, the job also brings students security responsibilities.

Academic Department Clerical Work

There is extensive work load in college academic departments. In order to help secretaries with the large amount of work, departments usually hire students for part-time work. Class handouts, journal articles, journal submissions, faculty meeting notes, conferences – there is a lot of work for students to handle and help department secretaries with.

There are multiple part time job opportunities available for college students. You may come across jobs that do not pay well. College students need to do some research and they can easily land some of the best parttime student jobs opportunities in college libraries, academic departments, technology, gym, dorm desk etc. In addition, students can also talk to professors about part time job opportunities to look after their kids, pets, home etc.

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