Ready To Face Any Disaster With Prepared BCP

Every successful business should be able to continue even if there will be some disaster.
Disasters may be incidents include local like building fires or regional like earthquakes or national incidents like pandemic illnesses. Disaster could be any worst nightmare. A server overheats fire that consumes your computer room etc. Study and analysis of Threats like Disease, Earthquake, Fire, Flood, Cyber attack, Bribery, Hurricane, Utility outage, Terrorism….

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is staff mentoring methodology used to create and validate a practiced logistical plan for how an organization will recover and restore partially or completely interrupted critical function(s) within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption. The logistical plan is called a Business Continuity Plan. BCP is how an organization prepares for future incidents that could jeopardize the organization’s core mission and its long-term health. Software Industry has got four primary assets viz., facilities, hardware, network and data.In the event of a disaster, hardware and networks can be replaced, and facilities can be moved to a new location. In fact, with the exception of data, almost every company asset can be replaced. Therefore, your top priority should be to protect the asset that’s most at risk and hardest to replace: your data. Ever growing is the list of potentially business-disrupting events: viruses, power blackouts, natural disasters and even terrorist events. Good business continuity plans will keep organization running.

Some examples which could of some help as below:

* Business continuity institute

For instance A program “Workshop to look at lessons learned from UK flooding” -Event: BCI Flooding Workshop on Date: 21 st November 2007 at Venue: The National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull.

* Some companies are actively strengthening their investment and business relationships throughout the different part of the globe.

* Few organization utilized IT for developing Flood Hazard related web pages for Customer satisfaction Survey; visitors can assess the Web pages. The survey will also elicit information about the visitor’s stakeholder/user group affiliation e.g., Engineer, Floodplain Manager, Homeowner, or Renter, areas of interest

*Business Continuity and Disaster Planning is an Investment not an Expense-is said by some organizations like ISO related programs.

* RBI of India plans for business continuity and disaster recovery management

Some strategies developed like below:

**Scenario-based Planning

**Function-based Training

**Consequence-based Planning

Any how only plans without action will NOT work…The effective implementation and execution of the plans are needed.

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